football Edit

10 Things for Tuesday, sponsored by JFQ Lending

Bryce Anderson continues to blow expectations out of the water.
Bryce Anderson continues to blow expectations out of the water.

1. Let's get hit on the elephant in the room right away. If what's been reported about the cause of the indefinite suspension for at least three true freshmen is accurate, they may have taken the cake for the stupid suspension of all time. There have certainly been more serious ones -- in fact, on the grand scale, this is pretty small. But to get in trouble in the locker room immediately after a loss like that? That's dumb on an epic scale and an absolute embarrassment.

2. How do you let Denver Harris and Chris Marshall return to the team after this? I mention those two specifically because this is their second suspension in seven career games. That's not on the coaches. They can't babysit these kids. There has to be some semblance of personal responsibility here. There has been none.

They're showing no respect for their coaches, or, more importantly, their teammates. And, considering their teammates (allegedly) turned them in, sounds like they've already had enough.

It's a shame, because I've been big supporters of both of these guys -- and recently. I wrote last week that Harris and Jaylon Jones would provide a strong corner duo next year, and two weeks ago I said it was only a matter of time before Marshall broke out. But, as we've seen in sports at all levels, talent rarely comes out ahead before attitude and commitment to the team.

3. Remember, there are washouts in every class. And some succeed elsewhere. The Aggies brought in 29 freshmen in the last class. For those of you who are longtime AggieYell readers, I've said that if you hit on 2/3 of your signees, you've had a GREAT class. Usually in that third, there are guys you have high hopes for that, for whatever reason, don't make it. So as embarrassing and ridiculous as this situation is, issues with a signing class are playing true to form. It happens everywhere -- or everyone would have serious troubles with an 85-man limit.

4. A lot of freshmen have already shown up and have performed. I'm bringing this part up to show that the hit rate on this class could still be well over 1/2 and close to that 2/3 area, even though the transfer portal always makes things dicey. But look at this: here are some of the players who came in this season and have played at least fairly well and haven't been associated with trouble -- Bryce Anderson, Jarred Kerr, Kam Dewberry, Walter Nolen, LT Overton, Shemar Stewart, Donovan Green, Jacoby Mathews and Le'Veon Moss. We will likely see more of Jake Johnson, Gabe Dindy, Bobby Taylor, Enai White, Martrell Harris, Ish Harris, Conner Weigman and Noah Thomas as the season goes on or in 2023. I definitely think we'll see more of Weigman. I didn't even include Marquis Groves-Killebrew (who was, much to my shock, dressed Saturday night and warmed up), Hunter Erb, Mark Nabou, Theo Ohstrom, Ethan Moczulski or the big one, Evan Stewart. Stewart got in trouble for breaking curfew, but from what I've heard, he's been on the right course since.

5. A&M definitely hit on two secondary players. Quick: who leads A&M in fumble recoveries? Who's fifth on the team in tackles for loss and has the best tackling rating of any freshman defensive back in the nation according to ProFootballFocus? That's Bryce Anderson, who had a great game against South Carolina. He had a forced fumble, recovered that fumble and had a tackle for loss. He's played far better than I expected for a true freshman at a new position, and he's got a bright future ahead. He's also emerging as a leader in this class.

The other one is probably more surprising, considering he was only 3 -star and missed all of his senior season, but Jarred Kerr has been a nice addition. He's got 10 tackles, a sack and a pass broken up. Considering my luck on anointing players as the future lately, I shouldn't say that Anderson, Kerry and Jacoby Mathews look like they could make up the core of a strong future safety/nickel I'll let you guys do it.

6. So much for that. Marshall had been talking about playing basketball for A&M this season. During his discussion with us today at media day, Buzz Williams was asked about that possibility and the answer was a definitive "no".

7. A play or two away. I said this in Monday Thoughts last night, but it bears repeating for a slightly different audience. Jimbo Fisher has said several times that A&M has been a play or two away in most every game, and, to be honest, he's right. Here's the comment from Monday Thoughts:

"Against Alabama, you take away one of about seven plays and you win. Against South Carolina, if you tackle on the opening kickoff or snap the ball when you're supposed to, you win. If there's not a fumble inside the 5 against Mississippi State and a touchdown isn't dropped in the end zone, you're right there."

But it's the job of the coaches and players to work to the point where you're not a play away, and that play isn't a self-inflicted wound.

8. Basketball team put on an impressive show today. It was media day for the basketball team today, and they all showed up in three-piece suits ready to talk. I got a sense of calm confidence from them, not a lot of arrogance, but they seem to think they can do some things this year.

9. Buzz can answer a question. Back when Kevin Sumlin was in town, you got used to very brusque, short answers. Jimbo can go for a long time if he gets rolling on an answer. But Buzz Williams is in a different orbit. He went for five-and-a-half minutes today discussing how the transfer portal has changed recruiting, giving a very in-depth example of how it all works. And you don't get bored listening to it. It was fascinating stuff.

10. This hoops team has size. Last year, A&M was guard-heavy and relied on speed and steals to get their offense going. Buzz said he doubts that will be the case this year, but thinks they'll rebound better. Javonte Brown, Ashton Smith and Henry Coleman can all bang in the low post and grab boards, but holy cow, Julius Marble, the transfer from Michigan State, is a dude. He looks like he's been in the NBA for two years. Dude is ripped. The Aggies can still play guard-heavy is they want with Coleman at the 5, but if they want to go big, they've got options.
