football Edit

Aggies first on the board for 2020 WR

At only 15 years old,  6-foot-4, 209-pound Fort Bend Austin sophomore standout WR Troy Omeire has made quite an impression on Texas A&M's new coaching staff.  So much so that he was recently offered after a recent visit to College Station.

In just 6 games this year Omeire made 32 receptions for 606 yards and 8 TDs. Once his coaches got a look at his skills, he stayed on the field. And he wants to make sure it stays that way. Omeire's current goal is boosting his playing and academic skills. "Right now I'm focusing on my grades and getting stronger and better," he said.

When asked what impact the A&M coaches had on him, he said Jimbo Fisher is "nothing like he is on TV, he was very nice and personable." He went on to say that he found his time with WR coach Dameyune Craig extremely beneficial. "He taught me so much in only 5 minutes, like how to read defenses. I could really see myself with him."

Overall, he said he was really impressed with how great all the coaching staff treated him. He was also blown away by the facilities, especially the locker room.

When asked about his thoughts of choosing A&M, he said "I want to go where I will be used best, but I can't betray the first school that offered me." Arizona, coached by former A&M coach Kevin Sumlin, offered second.

When asked what he wanted potential teammates, coaches and fan to know about him, he said "I'm a true team player -- you score I score" and " I love to block almost as much as catch!"
