Published Jan 13, 2022
AggieYell Mailbag
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Mark Passwaters  •  AggieYell

Here's the latest edition of the AggieYell Mailbag..

Q: Too early preview of SEC West and Georgia: which teams are "starting over" with new starters and which teams are returning most of their folks? (3s2ghill)

A: Funny. I actually did this in 10 Things for Tuesday before I saw your question. Short version: A&M and Mississippi State look like they’re on the upswing, Alabama isn’t going anywhere, but LSU, Arkansas, Auburn and Ole Miss look like they need some help in 2022.

Q: All my questions are geared towards chemistry in the locker room:

With all the new talent coming in with high expectations, how do you think the new recruits attitude/ambition will affect the current team members, specifically the starters?

A: I think everyone’s on the same page: they want to win a national championship.

Certain "people" are saying that we spent upwards of 30 mil in NIL dollars on this class, we all know money was involved, but how do you think the new talented players with NIL deals will affect lessor talented players?

A: Well, for one thing, $30 million is total crap. And NIL is now part of the business. A lot of current players already have that deal, so if they were frustrated before, they’ll be frustrated now. But I don’t think many are.

Does A&M have a team NIL concept?

A: Do they have an NIL program to help players through the process? Yes. But the program can do nothing beyond that.

What are your thoughts on how the team's chemistry, as a whole, comes together for the 2022-23 season? (Big Smoothie)

A: I think the team takes on the attitude of their coach. They have a driven coach with clear goals. I think that tends to take hold of the team as well.

Q: What is the consequence if a team doesn't get down to the 85 scholarship limit by the deadline?

A: Then you’re going to be in violation of NCAA rules and you forfeit.

Where would you rate Achane and Spiller among Jimbo's other successful RBs, including but not limited to Freeman, Cook, Akers, Trayveon? (Boo yah)

A: Achane’s body of work is incomplete, so I’ll skip him. I’d put Spiller second behind Cook at this point.

Q: Was Jimbo & Staff's TV analysis of the National Championship game good advertising for our recruiting program & A&M as a whole? (AginAfIII)

A: Oh, absolutely. No doubt about it.

Q: What's your top goals for AY in 2022? (tsip despiser)

A: Provide the best content possible for our readers, expand the amount of content and the number of subscribers.

Q: bama has a couple of LBs and an OL that hit the portal. Do we have an interest in any of them? (hogtide)

A: A&M is at the point where they don’t need to go after players who didn’t contribute at their last spots. If they go after someone in the portal, it’ll be someone who already has a record of accomplishment. These guys don’t.

Q: I freely admit to being a homer, but I've always liked Terry Price. From all I see he's a good position coach and recruiter and highly regarded. He has survived several HC changes. So why in every shuffling does he not get more "buzz"? I watched him in the ESPN film room for the NC game and he just blended into the wallpaper. What gives with him? It seems time for advancement that doesn't come. Why? (Win77)

A: If he wanted it to come, it would. But he wants to be at A&M and living in College Station. He’s a great defensive ends coach and is perfectly happy doing it.

Q: Statistically - where do you expect movement with our defensive numbers replacing Elko with Durkin… not total defense numbers but for example ( sacks go up, pass yards against down, turnovers going up, etc). (fatrobby)

A: I think that it’s tough to say, considering you’re replacing your entire defensive front. But one thing Elko’s defenses didn’t really do was force a lot of turnovers. Ole Miss, for whatever problems they had, forced a lot of them. I think that’s the area where we could see an improvement.

Q: Devin Price, can you sum up his role on the team next year? (h273)

A: Special teamer and backup at wide receiver, probably. But then again, who saw Jalen Preston working his way back up to a starting job, and then putting up numbers?

Q: Ok..... you know I have always been a big Luke Matthews fan. What is his status for next year and do you see him being a factor? IS He even still with the team? (staubach1972)

A: He’s coming off a shoulder surgery, and that’s the second one he’s had. He should be with the team, but it’s a matter of how much punishment he feels like his body can take. If he can handle it, he could be a backup at center and guard. But Bryce Foster’s the guy at center unless Jimbo feels like the line is better with him at left guard and Luke back in at center. That, I think, is unlikely.

Q: How pleased will we be with Durkin's attacking style of defense? And do you expect more takeaways?

A: People will be pleased if there are positive results. Otherwise, forget it. Remember, John Chavis had a defesne that was aggressive as could be, forced a lot of tackles for loss and sacks. And got light up a like a Christmas tree.

Given the 85 number crunch, have we stopped at who we've been recruiting previously or will we still look at recent portal adds? (Justavgillini)

A: I think the smart approach would be to always be looking for ways to improve your team. So I think they’ll monitor the portal closely and won’t just slam the door because of where they are in terms of numbers.

Q: With NIL money becoming more prevalent, and several players per team making more than the average NFL contract, are student athletes now able to hire an agent to handle their NIL? And if not a Sports Agent, perhaps an Entertainment Industry Agent? (84aggiect)

A: I think the term being used is “advisor” but yeah, they can basically hire agents now.

Q: Some questions about the WR's and their coaching

1) During the season, it seemed many of the receivers lacked the ability to get separation on their routes. How much of this is simply talent, and how much is coaching?

A: Demas and Chapman have speed. They got open deep. But Demas needs to get stronger to get off of jams and Chapman just can’t stay healthy, so that limited the deep game. Otherwise most of the guys on the team just aren’t burners. For whatever reason, there were few if any deep plays called for Ainias.

2) Alot was talked about with Coach Craig as the WR coach. Many speculated that Jimbo would look for a replacement.

A) Do you still see this as a possibility?

B) How do you think the existing and new receivers would react to a change?

We can just stop at A, because I don’t think it’s happening.

3) Outside of Smith, who are the 3 receivers you expect could/will have a breakout year in 2022?

A: If my wishful thinking of Demas, Evan Stewart and Moose Muhammad comes to pass, A&M fans are going to be really happy come season’s end.

Q: Noticed that on Monday thoughts u didn’t have #74 in the starting rotation even though he did start some games this season…at what position do u c him possibly contributing?? (gatillero76)

A: For those of you who don't know who #74 is, it's Aki Ogunbiyi. I think he’s got a real shot at taking his left guard spot back, but Blake Trainor really did a good job there when he got the chance, so I basically flipped a coin. But that’s where I see him, but it was interesting to see him at backup right tackle in the second half of the year. It bears watching, for sure.

Q: Our class size now sit at 28 and word is that's kind of tight. . #29 is reserved for Shemar Stewart.

But, latest Futurecasts has him going the Miami. Your thoughts?

A: The latest futurecast was two weeks ago from a guy who does not cover A&M or Miami. So I think he remains an A&M lean at the very worst.

Jacoby Matthews is still open but appears to be trending back to LSU?

A: Yeah, probably.

So Deondre Jackson went portal and now is with Nebraska. That gets us one bonus recruit?

A: Yes.

Calzada now with Auburn. Does that also give us a bonus pick?

A: Yes.

How are we going to fit in the overage numbers?

A: Get used to the word “attrition”.

Lastly, with most schools starting classes in the next 2 weeks, is it not getting just a little late to be doing the portal thing? (Have Gun Will Travel)

A: Nope. Heck, I’ll bet there’s another wave after spring practice.
