Published Dec 14, 2023
AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tipton Auto Group
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Mark Passwaters  •  AggieYell

The AY Mailbag is sponsored by the Aggie owned and operated Tipton Auto Group! They can help you with your new or used car needs anywhere in Texas. Check them out at!

Q: What football coaches do we still have left to hire and any sense of timing?

A: Defensive coordinator, tight ends coach (if Coley is not retained), WR coach, linebacker coach.

Will we sign a “full” class and will we have to accept less talent than expected due to NIL issues?(stanfld)

A: I think it’s pretty clear now it won’t be a full class because they’re trying to add guys via the portal at a much greater rate than before. As for the rest, we’ll see.

Q: Can you share more about what you’ve heard about the NIL deals for players transferring out?

A: Not really, no.

Does the A&M collective own their NIL rights for each season, or collegiate eligibility, a set timeframe bounded with dates? (SubmarineAg)

A: Each contract is different. Some guys are home free, others…not so much.

Q: How are we doing since Jimbo’s firing? From the outside looking in it seems a little slow but from your seat, maybe not. What do you like and what concerns you? Thank you. (Kneuse)

A: How are they doing since Jimbo’s firing? Ok, I guess. There aren’t many guys that are in the portal that really upset me. I figured there would be some Jersey/Philly guys who would go with E-Rob, you’ve got one who went to play with his brother (probably) and a few that want a better deal.

What do I like? The idea that everyone will be held equally accountable. I also like the Collin Klein hire. I really don’t like key parts of the recruiting class putting off their signing until February or E-Rob actively recruiting those same players while he’s still technically an A&M employee.

Q: It appears that we are now unable to close with our #1 targets for coaches and players. Elko was not choice #1, Klein was not choice #1, seems like the S&C coach was also not choice #1. Are we also striking out on choice #1 for DC? Players are also going elsewhere for more $$ so we are losing here. For a program that is supposed to have all the re$ources we seem to be falling behind the programs that are willing to spend such as God forbid tu!

Is this accurate and if so what the hell is going on ?



No, Elko was not the #1 choice. That doesn’t mean he can’t coach and coach well. Pete Carroll was about USC’s eighth choice and that worked out rather well. Fran was the hot prospect in 2003 and…well, he sucked.

No, Klein was not choice #1. They went after the guy who had developed the most explosive offense in college football and he said no. Klein was choice #2. So were Maverick and Goose.

No, Moffitt was not choice #1 at S&C coach. But who cares? The man’s resume speaks for itself.

You know who else was choice #2 in 2017? Mike Elko for A&M defensive coordinator.

Now, as for $$$: Take it up with the BMAs.

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Q: I don't mind Elko taking his time to make the right hires for what he thinks is necessary for us to achieve championship level success. However, I am confused as to what is with all the secrecy. If Elko is evaluating several different candidates (specifically regarding DC), what is the harm in those names being known. Is it the possibility of a Stoops revolt? Lol

Seriously though, honest question, is he worried that if the DC names become known it could cause backlash? Or am I just ignorant and the DC search is typically this secretive? (Jordan.attar91)

A: No, it’s not because of fear of a backlash, it’s because they’re currently employed somewhere else in a similar capacity.

Q: Not ever doubting ERobs character but Do you believe there is a conflict of interest when he is still employed by A&M yet has an in home with our biggest DL commit for the school he will be going to? (AgFCAcoach98)

A: From his perspective, no. From a Aggie’s? HELL YES THERE IS TREASON MOST FOUL! Your mileage may vary.

Q: 1 - another week gone by and still no DC. What the hell?

A: Just because you don’t know about it doesn’t mean he doesn’t have one.

2 - what do you know different now about Bjork and his hiring of Elko? No way it went down the way you reported or he'd no longer be employed with us. (91 Ag)

A: Not much. Stoops was still the guy and there was major backlash. They pivoted to Elko after that. There were other names that were discussed before Stoops was suddenly in the mix.

Q: What's the current state of the union for our A&M football program? (Big Smoothie)

A: Under construction. Not rebuilding, making changes. Check back later.

Q: Who’s your best bet for a RB? Commit or transfer? (H273)

A: Commit. I don’t even know if they’ve offered a transfer running back. Of all the positions, the pickings at running back may be slimmest.

Q: Your best guess/opinion. 1. DC cannot be announced now because he is still with a team 2. He cant get his number one choice and still shopping (FbFan222)

A: 1.

Q: Evan Stewart Playing in the bowl game?

A: I honestly don’t know.

Any whispers of Shemar Turner declaring for the draft? (Arg1998)

A: None that I have heard. Frankly, it would be a mistake.

Q: It seems we’re settling for players from lesser conferences. We haven't even had one SEC player who has entered the portal to visit or mention Texas A&M. We have a coach coaching the bowl game who once was a loyal Aggie, but now he is recruiting some players to go to Syracuse. So who’s to blame Jimbo, Ross, or the board of regents who got hoodwinked at the negotiation table?

A: Let’s try this one on for size: They know the SEC players that are in the portal and aren’t impressed with them. A&M has offered one SEC player that we know of, though I think that could change soon. Familiarity can breed contempt, and sometimes SEC snootiness makes the fanbase think that just because a player is on an SEC roster, he’s an automatic star.

Do you think A&M’s brand has been tarnished and/or devalued? If so, do you think Elko has the acumen to take us to being a football power? (Big Smoothie)

A: Yes, it has because A&M keeps screwing up in big ways, then the people who need to be there to support it go off and sulk and the process begins again. The fanbase needs to demand accountability at all levels, and the BMAs need to realize that BSing with the coach or coming back to talk about the good ol’ days in the Corps or watching the band does not breed success. A&M still has a strange level of complacency of just acceptance of mediocrity among too much of its alumni base. Elko can’t stop all that alone. But by putting together a tough, disciplined team that can take advantage of a favorable schedule this upcoming season could be a push in that direction.

Q: Ok you have the power to replace one of these guys mind and drive with Christian Kirk’s. Who do you want and why:

Speedy, Demas, or Chris Marshall (pharm11)

A: Oh, easy. Demas. That guy had all the tools. He oozed talent. He just had no desire and wasn’t coachable.

Q: Of all our current players in the portal right now (and no, won’t hold you to it if you’re wrong) but who do you believe has the highest odds of returning? (MC9008)

A: I’m not sure any of them have a real high chance of returning. If Walter Nolen doesn’t get a deal to his liking, I could see him trying to come back, but I wouldn’t count on it.

Q: Mark, I guess the BMAs from one HC to another are different. So with a coaching change some of them stop donating and the new HC and AD need to work on different ones. Is this a correct assessment?

A: Yes, that’s correct. Happens everywhere.

How much work is done in this regard by the HC vs the AD? (Mexaggie)

A: I think the vast majority of it is done by the AD.

Q: Any chance Elko and ERob reapproach a conversation?

A: Nope.

Potato skins as an entre for dinner. Yea or nay?

A: Is there anything else to choose from?

Have you had the opportunity to speak with any of the current players on the team, and if so, what's their temperature?

A: Haven’t talked to many, but they seem to be on board with what Elko wants to do — or they’re at least willing to give him a chance.

Do you see the DC being named before our bowl game? (Tip despiser)

A: Hopefully before, but I’m not counting on it.

Q: Regarding some BMA's holding back on money, do you think any of that has to do with their unhappiness with Bjork? (katyAggie)

A: I would make a big mistake if I tried to get into what their thought processes may be.

Q: Did you think it would take longer for College Football as we've known it to be destroyed by NIL and the Portal?

I was expecting 2 or 3 more years, but wow, this happened fast.

A: I thought it was going to be interesting and exciting, not outright carnage. As it is, it’s bad for the game.

Do you still have good contacts in the Energy business?

I hope so.

Do you expect a player that is crucial to his team threaten to sit out of the playoffs this season if not paid big bucks?

I expect it next year, but things are now progressing so rapidly, it could happen in the next few weeks.

That might be the straw that breaks the camel’s back. You want to see collusion? Have that happen.

Do you expect collegiate athletes to be declared "professionals" and allow universities to sign and hold them to contractual terms before the 2025 season?

If not, do you expect there to be a 2025 season? (Reckless75)

A: No and yes.

Q: Do you know if there is any exception to the maximum number of coaches during a transition? Could this explain why we haven’t finished filling Elko’s staff (need people to coach the bowl game)? (CSAg03)

A: The new coaches aren’t officially part of the staff yet. They will take over on Dec. 28, so no exception is needed.

Q: From an academic standards standpoint is A&M at a disadvantage to a school like….OLE Miss….when it comes to getting portal transfers? (Dl98)

A: Academic requirements have been so devalued that the only thing that matters is if the credits transfer.

Q: So are there certain donors who are sabotaging Elko by not helping with NIL just because they are upset Jimbo got fired?

A: Maybe.

If so, do you think that type of stupidity happens at other universities? (Ag20)

A: Absolutely.

Q: Was I not paying attention when Kobe Black committed to tu? When?

A: He committed Wednesday.

Why are we whiffing on so many top prospects? (CypressAggie)

A: Using a guy that has been a Texas lean for 8 months may not be the best choice for “whiffing on so many top prospects.” They do need to get their BLEEP together with NIL, but if they have that and can use it efficiently, they should be fine.

Q: I’m accepting we may never get back to the success of the last few years of recruiting …that be said - Is it possible to have similar success in our conference considering we should have a much talent as Washington , Florida State , etc …or does the overall talent gap between those conferences and the SEC render those examples not a fair comparison

What I’m just trying to ask is can we have success without having a top 10 recruiting class ? (FatRobby)

A: In the era of the portal, it’s more possible or likely than ever before.

Q: What’s your family’s favorite Christmas movie? You can name more than one.

Our families favorite is Die Hard. (Spar2cus)

A: Cody’s is a Charlie Brown Christmas. She was just in that play and was Woodstock. She was great. Mine is the Empire Strikes Back. FX shows the original trilogy every Christmas Day and I drive my family NUCKING FUTZ because I sneak in, get the remote, find it and leave it.

Q: So historic college football team development was based on obtaining the best Highschool football players as possible, work on making them bigger, stronger, faster, smarter. Now that model isn't extinct, but NIL has now added, the option of obtaining a lower rated player who has been grown, strengthened, sped up, and trained by another school. Now my question, is it better to build or buy? (Darrelljones1212)

A: I think we’re about to find out. Jimbo was all about build. Kiffin has been all about buy. Elko is far more active in the portal than Fisher ever was. I think I said this on Monday, but it’s along the lines of Jimbo wanting to win his way and Elko just saying, “screw it, let’s find a way to win now.”

Q: Obviously, we are still a few coaches short. At this point in building the new staff, do you know which coaches will be recruiting which areas? State and national (and maybe global - Thor)?

A: No, but Ish Aristide will be active in Florida. Count on that.

Also, will Elko be the main recruiter for certain HS since he is rebuilding the THSCA relations? I’m sure he’ll have specific coaches with him in specific regions when meeting with HS coaches.

A: No.

So who’s up next at head S&C coach? Why no move to get Samples (or was there)? (Reh12)

A: They have an S&C coach now in Moffitt. As for Samples, the WR coach job remains open.

Q: Is Elko having trouble locking down a DC, or does he have one but the DC has a big Bowl or Playoff game coming up?

In today's college football environment I would find it hard to believe a DC would stay around for a non-playoff bowl unless he was maybe poaching players and recruits. (Reckless75)

A: I don’t know if he has it done, clearly, but I think he’s targeting someone in a bigger bowl.

Q: 1) Are portal players tied to the same signing dates as HS kids?

A: No.

2) With 18 offers out (as of Thursday morning), we're 2 for 5, with 13 still undecided. Does that seem good, or were you expecting better?

A: They’re in on a lot of guys who may not have official offers yet. But 2 for 5 is not shabby. I think that number will increase over the weekend.

3) If you could do one thing to "fix" the portal, and one thing to "fix" NIL, what would it be? (Bear_P_I)

A: Nuke the entire thing and start over from scratch.

Q: Lots of frustrations with our current status.

Enough have asked about a DC. But why is it taking so long to hire or announce position coaches. We’ve lost out 4* WR commits.

A: They may still be employed. And let’s break down these losses. Cam Coleman was gone the instant Jimbo was fired. Period. Drelon Miller wanted Craig on staff. The new coaches were ambivalent at best about Hornsby and Gatling, both of whom dropped to 3-star status.

Someone else mentioned. Why aren’t we offering more FBS kids and specifically SEC players? Trading 0* OD WR for 4* doesn’t seem favorable. And we can’t even get small school kids to commit. Why are we failing again in the portal wars? Seems like Colorado, Nebraska and Ole Miss have greatly stepped up the NIL and passing us up on success.

THE SKY IS FALLING AGAIN! How can you say they’re failing in the portal wars when the majority of their targets haven’t made a decision and they should have a half-dozen guys on campus this weekend? And folks really need to ditch this idea that all good players are in the SEC and that being in the SEC means you’re good. If they were, they’d be offered.

What’s happened at OSU for so many to leave a successful program (SuwaneeAg)

A: Personality conflicts and NIL. Sound familiar?

Q: With only 2 offers at OL from the portal, as of this morning, can we read that as Elko being confident he can get the OL production he needs with the current players on the roster, a new OL coach, and better S&C? (SubmarineAg)

A: Yeah, I think you can make that assumption. They’ll offer a few guys they think are very high caliber, but when you compare those numbers to corners, safeties and wideouts, you can tell where the areas of concern lie.

Q: What is your forecast for the future of bowl games? They were meaningless before, but now you have guys holding out, transferring in and out, coaches coming in and out. The value of a win or loss is almost impossible to really gauge. Will they continue as is or do you see major changes coming for the bowls? If changes, any ideas? (Boo yah)

A: More will be of value once it goes to a 12-team playoff next year. The rest will remain exhibitions whose primary value are the 15 extra practices you get.

Q: I know these last two seasons have been stressful for you, but probably nothing compared to the last 5 or 6 weeks.

Seriously, do you find yourself drinking more than you were at this time in 2021? (Reckless75)

A: I have not had a drop to drink since the last AY happy hour. Being broke helps with that, but I just haven’t felt the urge.

Q: Would you please post the final PFF rating for both offense and defense for 2023. I cannot find these if you have previously posted them. Thanks (rareo)

A: Tidbits tomorrow.

Q: 1. With all the players entering the portal, and those declaring for the NFL, can A&M field a competitive team against OK State? If so, who's left to coach it? And, is the remaining coaching staff's heart in it to develop a winning game plan against what appears on paper to be a better 9-4 OK State team?

A: Question 1: Yes.

Question 2: They have most of the staff still there.

Question 3: I’m not sure they’re that good. South Alabama smoked them at home.

2. Reading other sports writers, it appears A&M is in a big mess with its recruiting efforts, and to some extent, the new coaching hires, and holding the 2024 recruiting class Jimbo recruited together. Your analysis of all this?

A: Fart noise. I think anyone who judges a recruiting class before it is done is a fool and anyone who does it within two years of its signing is taking a gamble. I’ll be honest: they’re in for a dogfight to keep some key names. But there’s also a second signing day in February that people have forgotten about and there’s the portal.

3. Are fans about to experience another long term (years) build back before the Aggies can compete for any title? (Chuck70)

A: No, probably not.

Q: We were warned Elko‘s weakness was recruiting. I expected to lose players in this class but not the disaster it’s been in the last three weeks. Example - Miller to Colorado for crying out loud, Smith to Texas? and on and on (no LB coach here on Smith’s visit) My question and something a lot of aggies are beginning to be very concerned about - Is Elko just oblivious to the talent hole this recruiting class is going to put us in going forward? (AgCatter123)


Seriously —oblivious? The guy is not a moron. He knows the depth chart far better than we do. And that may be why he’s looking more to the portal than the recruiting class.

UNDERSTAND THIS, EVERYONE: Recruiting is no longer just your signings of high schoolers and JUCOs. It’s adding transfers and keeping your own players. If you focus on only one part, you’re missing the whole picture.
