Published Oct 17, 2024
AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tipton Auto Group
Mark Passwaters  •  AggieYell

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Here's this week's AggieYell Mailbag:

Q: With A&M playing Michael Van Buren, where do you rank Martin Van Buren as far as best presidents? (FletchW)

A: If we use the star system, he would be a low 2-star. Not exactly someone you’d build the franchise around.

Q: What exactly is the typical role & responsibilities of the Nickel back, as compared to a Safety in the A&M defensive scheme? What are the typical desired traits of a Nickel back? (BoxsterBoy72)

A: A nickel’s primary role is to cover the slot receiver, but, since he also plays a lot closer to the line of scrimmage than most corners or safeties, he is also involved a lot more in run defense and blitzing. Safeties tend to play back and don’t get involved in a lot of man coverage; nickels, by design, do. As for desired traits, I’d say look at Antonio Johnson. He was the prototype. Big, fast, and physical, able to hit a running back and cover a receiver down the field. Tyreek Chappell was a good fit for that because we knew he could cover, but he was also pretty fearless against the run.

Q: Is this the week the TE's break out? Not a yes/no question. (Richard23)

A: Ok, let’s look at the yes side of the equation first. State tends to run really soft coverages while they bring three, four or maybe five guys. That leaves the medium zones pretty open. Georgia utilized that with their tight ends a bit, with their guys catching five passes. The running backs also got a lot of work in the passing game. So if you’re going to leave the short to moderate areas open, that could mean a good number of stick routes for Tre Watson and Theo Ohrstrom. It’s more complex than what I’m making it out to be, but if you have open space, the tight ends can get there and be open.

On the no side — it hasn’t happened yet, and the receivers could hit those same openings, so why would it happen now?

Q: The Ernest Campbell kid? The one that supposed to be speed merchant. How do you see him fitting into the offense going forward? Slot? Mostly a jet sweep guy? Mostly an end around guy? Or, true WR, in the patterns? Would make a great PR guy? can he make people miss him? (Aggdoc)

A: I don’t see him doing anything this year. He’s got to get bigger and stronger. So we’ll have to wait and see next year.

Q: I keep hearing how Georgia didn't play good against Miss State and threw when they could have won. Do you think they held some of their game in their pocket and played vanilla to not give Texas anything to look at? (gowsie)

A: you mean they could have run? Yeah, they could have, but they just came out and exploited what they thought was their biggest advantage. Defensively, I thought they played very vanilla. I guess we’ll see if I’m right tomorrow.

Q: Are Crownover and Fatheree both out of edibility after this year? If so, who do we have to step up and play RT next year? The rest of the OL should return which will be experienced and tough next year. (GCJC)

A: It’s possible both are back. Fatheree is a senior, but he could get a medical redshirt for last year. Crownover is a redshirt junior. So we could see the exact same line next year.

Q: After you were a child dreaming of growing up some day and having really cool friends like us, how surprised were you when it actually happened? (Reckless75)

A: I didn’t have many friends as a kid, so being in with the cool guys now is beyond my dreams.

Q: What’s your favorite Netflix series? (H723)

A: I don’t really have one. I don’t watch much TV during football season.

Q: 1. Have you noticed any audibles being called when our offense is on the field? Not sure I understand how that works with Klein's playcalling. I just see the QB clap and the ball gets snapped...have not noticed any verbal signals.

A: I’ve noticed some, but not a lot. I saw Weigman call a couple against Missouri and had to move some players into new positions.

2. TEs have 11 receptions through 6 games. Where do you think they'll end up after 12 games? Less than 30? More? Expected them to be more involved in the passing game. (Pebbycree)

A: I expected more from them too. But when I asked him about it, Klein told me that the tight ends are still a work in progress and could become a bigger part of the offense in then second half of the season. Well, that starts now. I hope they get a lot more activity, and maybe they will with Weigman back at the helm.

Q: Since he is off the injury report, you expect Shanahan back as starting center? (Naytch)

A: No, I think Faaiu will remain the starter, but Shanahan’s going to play.

Q: The other thread you started got me wondering. With NIL can you flunk out or do you even need to go to class anymore? (Parlay Magic)

A: I would say that depends on the contract terms.

Q: Do you think there are any "silent redshirt" players on the team? Players that haven't played enough to burn a redshirt, but, likely won't play at this point to keep the redshirt an option and transfer, but, haven't publicly stated that as a plan. (Lawhall)

A: No, but I have to ask a question in response: If someone intends to redshirt and transfer, why are they still with the team? If you’ve checked out, what good are you doing for anyone?

Q: Noticed an Aggie commit is visiting Austin this weekend. Any concerns?

A: There’s always a concern, but Kelshaun Johnson is coming back to A&M for the LSU game. I don’t think it’s a big deal at this point.

With Conner likely coming back, how would that affect Reed and the QB commits? (DentonAg80)

A: I think the player it affects most is Jaylen Henderson. A return by Weigman virtually ensures that he’ll transfer this offseason. He’s running out of time to make an impact, and a Weigman return eliminates his chance to do it at A&M. As for Reed, Miles O’Neill and Husan Longstreet, I don’t think it changes anything.

Q: Anyone else coming back from injury other than Shanahan? (Elicrow)

A: Nope.

Q: Mark, with Helaman Casuga's commitment and USC 's not so great season so far, do you think we might have a serious chance to get back in on Jerome Myles? (Thepassag)

A: I would sure push to get back in.

Q: Can you throw in B1G/SEC scheduling partnership rumors into tidbits when you find room for it? Curious to hear your thoughts. (MC9008)

A: As soon as I have some thoughts on it, I will be glad to share them. I’ve been in the weeds with football study this season.

Q: How many years away is Colin Klein from considering head coaching positions? I’m sure it’s a goal of his, but any insight? (ChampKindKHOU11)

A: He’s still really young. He’s just 35. Kliff got his job at about the same age, but that was at his alma mater and they needed a jolt. K-State has a great one in Chris Kleiman, so the Wildcats aren’t going to be in the market for a coach — probably. So he’s probably several (very successful) years away.
