Published Oct 20, 2022
AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850
Mark Passwaters  •  AggieYell

It's time for this week's AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850, a hunting ranch with native and exotic game, near Gatesville, Texas! More information coming in the next couple of weeks!


Q: Whats going on with E White? Sorry if its already been answered, but he went from primary WDE backup to not seen since Miami, Sylla playing instead.

A: Um…Sylla’s not playing. Shemar Stewart is. Sylla is on special teams only.

Smoke B? (Tschaar)

A: Got a lot of good corners, and he may not have endeared himself to the coaching staff with stunts like breaking curfew.

Q: 1. How good can our receiving corps be, including TEs, if we keep most everyone and get them healthy?

A: I think it depends on the offensive line allowing the quarterback play to improve, but I think they could be really good if everyone sticks around and the scheme is altered.

2. I see individual talent on the O Line. How soon can we get them working in tandem better and the same overall as a unit?

A: That’s the big question that I can’t answer. I don’t know if anyone can. It’s just something that takes time and really good coaching.

3. I'm old school so I love good LB play. Are our backers so anxious to make the splash plays that we are running ourselves out of the routine ones too often? If so, what can be done (other getting White back) to play a little more disciplined?

A: You’re absolutely right, they’ve been so eager to make a play they’ve run themselves out position. As for improvement, it’s just time and reps.

4. Will Durkin let the reins out even more if gets some of our guys back (or ready) like White, Adeleye, Turner and Dindy?

A: I sure as heck hope so. They look so much better when they’re attacking with a 4-man front.

5. True tackles nowadays seem harder and harder to find. When we do get them, it appears most aren't ready for the more physical nature of college ball. Is the portal now a better option to look, even though everyone is looking there as well?

A: I think you have to look everywhere possible to find them. Don’t limit yourself to one or the other. And when you find one, go after him guns a-blazing.

Bonus - How hard is it for you when the attacks get a little too personal? Do you have to walk away sometimes? Just curious. I always appreciate your professionalism, even when we disagree. (JustAvgIllini)

A: One reason I’m a little more forgiving of players when they screw up is I can empathize with their situation. When I was younger and first getting into the mod deal, I’d lose my temper and want to get into the big post fight to get my way. That, as my dad put it, is like getting into a pissing contest with a skunk. I looked like an idiot with a bad temper. I still get mad at times and have to delete posts made out of frustration, but now I’d rather try to be calmer and try to make the other guy realize they’re looking stupid. Doesn’t work very often, but at least I’m not making things worse.

Q: 1. If the plan is to redshirt Weigman, which remaining games to you anticipate him getting playing time? I'm thinking Jimbo will play him in the maximum four games. Don't see us blowing out any conference teams going forward so it might be hard to find situations where you can get him some snaps.

A: I really don’t know what the plan is for Weigman now that Max is out and King is hobbled. He’s really a snap away.

2. To fill open roster spots going forward for next season, do you anticipate more focus on the portal or bringing in high schoolers. Maybe 50/50? (Pebbycree)

A: I think the majority will be high schoolers, but I think there’s some positions where, if they want guys, they’re going to have to go into the portal.

Q: Can our defense carry us to a 5-1 second half? (Richard23)

A: It can. But it has to be much better against the run. It could also use some help from the offense.

Q: Are you hearing from any players about the coaching? As in “The system is too complicated” or “The coach won’t play this player because he’s mad at him even though he’s clearly a better player.” Is our OL performance (or lack thereof) more attributable to the coach or the players? Or is it Jimbo’s complex system? (H273)

A: Not to dodge the question, but I wouldn’t share those things even if they did. As for the offensive line performance, it’s individual, it’s coaching and it’s schematic. It’s a complete issue.

Q: You mentioned that you believe Jimbo will make the right move & hire an OC after the season. Is that just your gut feeling, or opinion...or was it based on things you've seen or heard? (Mozilla)

A: Both. Look, it’s going to be a lot easier and more likely to win if the offense is modified and improved. And even though Jimbo still believes in the offense, the desire to win is greater. And adjusting the offense is the easiest path to a title.

Q: I know injuries are a part of the game, and last year it were the DB's that took the brunt of the injuries. This year it has been the OLine along with some other key losses. Do you believe this is a fluke/bad luck or more of a strength and conditioning issue? I seem to recall 6 or 7 years ago we went through the same thing, and they changed out the strength and conditioning coordinator and revamped the S&C program. Do you see this happening again?

A: Look, injuries are a tough thing to deal with. There’s no way to predict them and a lot of these are unavoidable: concussions, a broken leg, a torn ACL because a player got rolled up on, a cut block to cause another leg injury and a broken finger on a helmet. That’s not an S&C issue. That’s bad bleeping luck.

When the S&C coaches were changed under Sumlin, it was because the Aggies were getting fed their teeth by the rest of the SEC. They were soft.

Lastly, we have definitely had more than our fair share of injuries, however we don't see the same happening to the Alabama's, Georgia's, Ohio State, etc. Is there something they do better than we do at limiting widespread injuries? (Maddog83)

A: Injuries get them too. Look at Alabama last year. They were looking like they were going to be Georgia in the national championship game until their wideouts got hurt. The only thing you can do is build quality depth. The Aggies are doing that, but the guys who were going to be the quality depth this year are now out there.

Q: Any idea why Jimbo has gotten more and more nonresponsive when it comes to anybody’s injuries. I can somewhat see when it comes to quarterback issue but nobody’s game playing around who our left guard is. He just seems to do the injured players a disservice when we never talk about when they are coming back. Fans can just assume they are malingerers because nobody knows what their injuries are. (Naytch)

A: All coaches are paranoid about talking about injuries. Sumlin wouldn’t talk about them at all. Saban tries to avoid them when possible and gives minimal information when he does discuss them (see Bryce Young). And as for fans thinking injured players are malingerers — that’s just flat out stupid.

Q: I really want to see Jimbo succeed. However he is getting hammered by the press and media. Do you think this will result in a slide in recruiting? (GCJC)

A: This is a results-oriented business. The results are currently not up to expectations. That, and not the media reaction, will cause a slide in recruiting.

Q: What’s up with Amari Daniels? Was the workhorse in the spring but nothing this fall. Portal candidate? (SuwaneeAg)

A: Nobody outside of Achane is getting carries. L.J. Johnson has 9. That’s it. So could he be a portal candidate? Maybe.

Q: I don’t follow other team to closely, so is it just me or do we have an inordinate number of OL who suffer career ending injuries? Is this common on other teams also? (TAMU-83)

A: No, it happens to everyone. But the rate at which the injuries are happening to the Aggies right now is extraordinary.