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AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850

It's time for this week's AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850, a hunting ranch with native and exotic game, near Gatesville, Texas! More information coming in the next couple of weeks!

A&M could sure use LT Overton and Edgerrin Cooper this weekend.
A&M could sure use LT Overton and Edgerrin Cooper this weekend.

Q: Do we know if any of our injured players will return this week? I think you mentioned Green was hurt? How about Adeleye, Cooper or AJ? There's a lot more but if you could shed any light that would be great. (David123)

A: Adeleye and AJ both warmed up at South Carolina and didn’t play. They didn’t warm up last weekend, so it’s really anyone’s guess. Cooper was back in a limited role last weekend, so hopefully he’ll get a larger number of snaps this weekend.

I’ll tell you what: If Adeleye isn’t back, the Aggies are looking at the possibility of being shorthanded up front. His presence would be optimal.

Q: How long is the indefinite suspension supposed to last? I would hate to see the 4 players end up in the portal. I hope Harris can get his mind right and turn it around. He could be a first rounder if he can get with the program. (GCJC)

A: Well, “indefinite” means that there is not set time for the suspension. It could be the year, it could be a game or it could be when they met set requirements. And, frankly, I think it’s a little short-sighted to sit there and say “I don’t want these guys in the portal.” Some guys just aren’t a fit and are a problem in the locker room and you’re better off if they’re not around. I’m not saying that’s the case with any or all of the guys here, but when you see the same names over and over, it makes you wonder.

Q: How do the Jimbo press conferences work? Are you always invited?

A: Yes.

Does everyone who has a question get to ask it or just selected members?

A: You raise your hand and Alan Cannon calls on you.

Are there any rules about the types of questions, etc? (Any unwritten rules)? Just curious about that whole event in general. (DFWAggie)

A: No rules about questions. Basically, just don’t be a jerk.

Q: Any update on Haynes' shoulder?

A: I listed him as doubtful. That may be generous. Honestly, I don’t know if he plays again this year.

How beat down and curmudgeony was Jimbo in that last press conference?

A: Curmudgeony? Nah. Beat down? Absolutely.

Do you really just write what you want after a press conference??

A: Well, yeah. But normally it’s based off of the info I get in the press conference.

Do Durkin and Jimbo confer at halftime about the defense and adjustments? If so, what do you think that's actually like? (Trip despiser)

A: I doubt it. Durkin’s talking with his guy and Jimbo’s working on offensive stuff.

Q: I’m too slow-witted to keep up with a Gameday thread so I rarely post and often look at it and I’m 2-3 pages behind. That said I’m amazed at how fast you post your halftime and postgame thoughts, and not to blow smoke up your butt but they’re 2 of my favorite columns. Do you write during the game and edit right before posting or do you just fast-type right after the half/game ends? (H273)

A: Honestly, I just write halftime thoughts as soon as the half ends and start postgame thoughts after the game. Most other reporters do it differently, but I found that tough to do.

Q: Update on any possible offensive skill position recruits please sir.

A: Not much to report at this point, and I doubt there will be much until the end of the season and changes are made.

With the reins being turned over to CW, do you see a possibility of getting Hykeem Williams back to seriously considering us? (Maroon1)

A: It helps, but it’s going to be more on changes to the scheme and a new offensive coordinator.

Q: I realize the following question has been asked and answered before, but I cannot remember the answer. Currently a school is allowed to get 25 commits per class. Do the individuals from the transfer portal count as part of the class of 25, or can a school take as many as needed from the portal to get to a full class of 85 players? (Davidimy)

A: For the time being — and it’s not clear how long it will last — transfers don’t count as part of the 25. That’s why you saw so many moves last offseason and will again this year. Eventually, it’s supposed to change back to transfers counting as part of the 25, but I’m not sure how much interest anyone will have in that.

Q: I think there is too much speculation, rumors, salacious whispering, blasphemy, slandering and besmirching going on regarding the indefinite suspensions. Some are suspended. Some are "still with the team", some just haven't been seen.

Can you summarize what you know and what you are willing to say about the suspensions? Laying out the facts will slow the talk and let us move on. (Richard23)

A: There are four guys who are indefinitely suspended. There were several other guys who got and trouble (smaller) and were held out last week. And then there are guys like Brian George and Josh Moten that have just kind of disappeared and we have no idea what happened to them.

Q: Not sure how to ask the question, but I am struggling to understand what the coaches see in practice everyday vs what we all see on Saturday. I don’t pretend to know the optimal footwork on a slant route that results in you being open. However, I have watched 2 years of Lane and Preston not ever being open, yet they were continually put out there. We finally put in Moose and the dude is open, making plays. Hell, Chris Marshall has been more open in his limited playing time.

Now we have the exact same situation with Weigman. Dude looks way better in his first start than anything we have seen over the past 2 years. It seems hard to believe he would have even been given the opportunity had King not been injured. What is going on in practice that this dramatic of a difference in ability not known to the coaches? (Sippinonsomesyrup)

A: I think Jimbo answered that question the other day in a roundabout way. He said he could really tell when everything clicked for Weigman and it was during the bye week. But I think it was getting to the point where Weigman had to get a shot, because he’s the future and King wasn’t playing winning football.

Q: What is the mood on the recruiting front. (86Aggie)

A: Apprehensive. But it usually is apprehensive. I think recruiting may be the most stressful and difficult part of coaching college football.

Q: What is the proper pronunciation of Weigman? Weeg-man, Wig-man, Weg-man, Wige-man

A: QB1. I’ve pronounced it Weeg-man, but I may have been getting it Ron.

He reportedly is really mobile but we didn't see any of that against Ole Miss. Most mobile guys run like crazy in their first real action. Any idea if that was coached due to injuries?

A: No, I think he was just really disciplined. He did try to take off twice and slipped.

Our team is terrible this season, with a stagnant offense and porous defense, but other than Miss State (the pirate owns us) all of our losses have been one possession games. With the experience our guys are gaining this year, and some, hopefully, improved coaching next year, what kind of results do you expect next season?

A: Much, much better results.

Lastly, how much do you contribute our struggles this season to the shuffling of the staff Jimbo did in the offseason? (Booyah)

A: Very little if any.

Q: This is a recent discussion topic. If Weigman is our starter going forward for the end of the season and next year’s starter, what is your gut feeling on which QBs stay and which move on and would we go after a portal if a need or a 3-4* HS kid for depth? (SuwaneeAg)

A: I think Stowers stays, and Max stays. The way injuries are eating them up, why would you leave? That chances are good that you’re back out there. The only one I have questions about is King. He’s a guy who wants to be at A&M and is respected by his teammates, but he’s got to realize Weigman’s the guy from here on out barring a massive regression or he just goes to a level we haven’t seen. He’s got that one transfer in his back pocket and if he still sees a future in football, he may use it.

Q: Hearing a lot of rumors about the flu bug and players not available this weekend? (Derrick88)

A: Yes. But it’s just rumors, and we’re talking about college kids. They can bounce back quickly.

Q: Besides OL, which position group has been the most disappointing?

A: I would say quarterback, but a lot of that is contingent on the play of the line. I would say the linebackers. Edgerrin Cooper hasn’t been the star I expected and they’re just very undisciplined. One thing Andre White does is stands his ground and is in the right place.

Have you put up your Christmas decor? (Tschaar)

Not yet, but it doesn’t take much to push me in that direction. That’s my favorite season by a mile in terms of decor.

Q: 1. Wide receiver just looks really, really for thin next year, especially with any departures. Looking harder for fixes in the prep ranks or portal? Same question for running back.

A: I think there could be movement late in the cycle for both if changes come. Use of the portal also seems like a real possibility.

2. On linebackers, could Hill be the '23 equivalent of E. Stewart for the defense? Potential for the Harris boys to step up?

A: I could see Hill out there real early. He’s that good. And I still have a lot of confidence in the Harris boys to come through. Playing linebacker in the SEC isn’t easy, so I’m not surprised they’ve been limited this year.

3. Is Moose kinda one of those players who just plays past his measurables like his dad did?

A: Well, he was a 4-star coming out of high school, so I don’t know. But he has definitely turned it on over the past month.

Bonus - Any advice from Cody or Endor on how to stop the run better? (JustAvgIllini)

A: Not sure who Endor is, but Cody says that they should tackle better.

Q: What's the scoop on that California 5-star QB who came to the pool party, are we still in the hunt? (H273)

A: Malachi Nelson? I think that one is really unlikely right now. Austin Novosad seems to be more in play than anyone else at this point.
