Published Nov 10, 2022
AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850
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Mark Passwaters  •  AggieYell

It's time for this week's AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850, a hunting ranch with native and exotic game, near Gatesville, Texas! More information coming in the next couple of weeks!

Q: Where's Jimbo's head with our prize LB recruit decommitting? Do you think he's personally taken over his recruitment?

He’ll keep after him. If there’s still interest as alleged, then you have to.

Is Santucci dead man walking?

I doubt it.

Do we get a win this weekend? (Tsip despiser)

A: They should win, but I’ve given up on predicting with this bunch.

1. With all the disciplinary problems that have surfaced with the football team this season to add to the injury list, are there any rumblings from the BMAs about the coach and/or staff violating provisions of their contracts relating to ensuring team rules are followed, ie too permissive of an atmosphere?

A: Please tell me this is a joke.

2. Are you anticipating more bleeding of recruit commits?

A: It’s possible, but it’s possible every year. I’m just instantly negative right now.

3. Compare JFFs 2012 season success with the possibility of Connor Weigman righting this sinking ship next season?

A: Not even remotely comparable for one major reason: Johnny had a fantastic line in front of him.

4. What're your odds that A&M gets a bowl bid if it wins Saturday against Auburn? (Chuck70)

A: They have to win out.

Q: Who was our last huge LB recruit…Anthony Hines? Seems like we are allergic to 5* LB (Jefferson, dean, Perkins, kid who went to Oregon) (pharm11)

A: It was Hines.

Q: 1. Next year, with anticipated changes and some better health, do you believe we still have enough to be competitive with top tier of the west? If not, where's our ceiling? Floor?

A: Yeah, I do. They need to improve in some areas and change some things up, but in terms of overall talent, they should be in the mix

2. Will the staff seriously re-evaluate how how they look at character and overall fit, as opposed to stars, when it comes to bringing players in?

Almost certainly.

3. Keeping Weigman and Stewart have to be top priority. Who would be your total top five?

Weigman, Stewart, Nolen, Shemar Stewart and Bryce Anderson. That is not to say those guys are actually transfer risks, just guys I’d block if given the ability.

4. Still looking to bring in another QB? Portal or prep more likely? And will Jimbo talk with current QBs about it?

They’d better be, and I doubt they would get much input. Right now, the portal seems most likely.

5. I like our DBs, but can't ever have enough good ones. Expect any more offers or portaling, just in case?


Bonus - I think the VA wants to give me hearing aids soon, but if I get them... (1) I can no longer pretend to not hear everything my wife says and (2) I think I'll want to put my foot through my big screen every time Danielson, McElroy and Herbie open their respective pie holes. Options? (JustAvgIllini)

A:: Do what my dad does and either don’t wear them or just ignore your wife and claim it’s force of habit.

Q: When you coming up here for HH ? (84Ag)

A: Soon.

Q: What is wrong with AJ?

Is he just sitting out because he’s going into the draft?

Need him BAD. (Wundy)

A: No, he’s not sitting out for the draft. He hurt his leg against Alabama (hamstring, probably) and hasn’t been back.

Q: I am the ultimate glass half full guy. So much so that when I watched the replay of the South Carolina game and I thought they would pull it out when I already knew the score. But not anymore. Not after Florida. Is there anything about this team and this staff that should give us hope? Even crumbs will suffice…(SouthernAg)

Yeah, keys for the future are going to get a lot of work together, and that will help next year and moving forward. Also, I think they’ll get some guys back for 2023 I thought would turn pro.

Q: In all your years covering Aggie football, how bad is it ? Especially, after losing hill and maybe hicks ? Do we keep this #1 recruiting class from a mass exodus? (mtholmes)

I’ve never been this depressed, for sure. I’ve never missed on projections this badly. People who hate A&M are gloating. So it sucks. But they’re going to make changes and I don’t see any mass exodus, so those are positives. Getting some bad eggs out of the locker room will also be a bonus.

Q: What are the roles (on paper and in actuality) of Durkin, Santucci, Robinson, and Jimbo on defense? Are they all in agreement on the schemes, or is there a disconnect or divide among the staff? What did Jimbo promise Robinson to get him to stay at A&M last year, and is he in danger of leaving? (SGMan)

A: Jimbo plays no role in the defensive scheme. Santucci and Robinson have elaborate titles, but mostly they’re still LB and DT coaches. This is Durkin’s scheme.

As for Robinson, he got a whole lot of money to stay.

Q: Hearing Hill didn’t make his earlier decision wrecklessly. He wants, or wanted, to go to A&M. Do you think him waiting until signing day is code for “Let’s see if A&M gets it act together”? IF we were to make defensive changes, I would hope he would be first priority to get back.(tsmith3001)

A: I think it definitely gives them an opportunity to get him back, If those rumors are true.

Q: What do you think our odds are in getting Hill back? What is your gut feelings about it? (Fbfan222)

A: You don’t want my gut feeling right now. Like I said, I’m very negative at the moment.

Q: 1. What do you believe is Jimbo's mindset regarding recruiting top High School talent versus getting experienced players in the transfer portal? I completely get us going all in on the recruiting class last year given the sheer magnitude, but do you believe Jimbo underestimated the need for more experienced players at some key positions? Or do you think we might have been fine (at least a much better record) if we hadn't been simply decimated by injuries?

A: Right now, they have plenty of young talent. They need some experience at key positions, which makes me think the portal is the better move for much of the remaining open spots. It definitely worked for LSU and Ole Miss.

2. Do you expect we will be pushed to use the portal extensively this year due to a smaller recruiting class and potential loss of numerous players to the transfer portal?

A: I’m not worried about this “loss of numerous players”. They will lose some, yes. But a significant portion of those will be escorted to thedoor. They will use the portal because 1) It makes sense for them to this year and 2) they’ve dropped the ball so far in recruiting.

3. What sort of messaging can the coaches begin sending to players and recruits now to help stem the negative firestorm that is surrounding the team? How do the team leaders fit into this too? (maddog83)

A: I don’t think it’s that hard of a message. You tell them that they were absolutely snakebit this season, that anything could go wrong did, and they were still in every game. They were hurt and inexperienced. Next year, they won’t be and they’ll have a more effective offensive scheme. Improvement can happen really fast.

Q: How physically hurt is Haynes King?

A: Quite. He’s dealing with shoulder, ankle and rib issues. He’s playing on guts.

Is King or Stowers QB 2 this Saturday behind CW? (BoxsterBoy72)

A: King is.

Q: I would ask what injured guys might be back this week but I don't know if I care anymore. Not really I do, any word on Adeleye or Overton? (David123)

A: Not yet, and boy, they could sure use them.

Q: GBD going to play this year?

A: I’m beginning to think no, BUT if he is, now’s the time. There’s less than four games left, so the redshirt can be intact.

anyone on staff untouchable if and when changes occur? (tschaar)

I see no reason to go after Tommie Robinson, Elijah Robinson, Terry Price or TJ Rushing at all. And really, James Coley has done a solid job with the wideouts.

Q: In retrospect…. When did this season go off the rails? And why? (BC93)

A: It went off the rails early in the Sam Houston game, when the Bearkats were getting immediate pressure on King. We didn’t realize it then, but it was a sign the offensive line wasn’t good and pass protection stunk. That immediately destroyed the offense.

Q: I’ve always heard not not about the X’s and O’s, it’s the Jimmy and Joes. I get so frustrated watching the play dwindle down. Call a play, doesn’t have the the perfect one, and let the players make a play. Seems like we do so much better with up tempo play. What are your thoughts on this? (GMalone)

A: I tend to agree. There’s a lot of paralysis by analysis on this team and it starts with the playcalling. Both King and Weigman have played better when the offense moves with tempo.

Q: All this talk about fixing the offense in the off season, getting an OC. Aren’t we sort of skirting around the elephant in the room. Namely, an incoming recruiting class with no QB, RB, or WR? I literally never heard of that and certainly not with a school like A&M. Don’t you sort of need to plug in skill players on this supposed new offensive scheme? (Agcatter123)

A: No, we’re not ignoring the elephant in the room, you’re putting the cart ahead of the horse. They’re not going to get those skill position players with this scheme. They need to make the change, make it quick and then see if they can get some players late in the cycle.

Q: I'm not the smartest guy in the room but when I see the opposing QB trotting downfield after going around our defensive ends I ask myself Why Aren't You Guys Sealing Things Off? Isn't that Terry Price's job? Do you think he may be squirming in his seat as well? (h273)

A: Not just no, but hell no. He’s forced into playing true freshmen who are wearing down due to injuries.

Q: We have Brian George, Moko, E. Crownover and a few others from JUCO and CC.

With the emergence of the Portal, have those recruits seen their prospects limited? I've heard it had an impact on middle tier HS recruits. (Bear_P_I)

A: If you’re realy good, there’s still interest. But solid JUCO prospects are now getting overlooked by FBS programs because of the portal.

Q: The incompetence rumors around the current recruiting staff is troubling. Who is in charge of pursuing and hiring these folks? Jimbo? Bjork? (Colt_Seavers)

A: Bjork has nothing to do with hiring football front office staff. This is a Jimbo deal, and unfortunately, there is no bigger crapshoot than recruiting the guys who recruit the recruits.

Q: are Foster & Weigman eligible to redshirt this year, since both are likely to only appear in 4 games or less this season? (3GAg)

A: Yes.

Q: How much does your job satisfaction change from a good season to a terrible one?

A: A lot. Trust me.

do you ever get as happy or mad as us? (Jershua)

A: You’d better believe it. There’s a handful of guys on here who know me well, and they know where I personally come down on things. But you guys aren’t here to read Mark the Redass Aggie. So a lot of my personal feelings I keep to myself.
