Published Dec 1, 2022
AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850
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Mark Passwaters  •  AggieYell

It's time for this week's AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850, a hunting ranch with native and exotic game, near Gatesville, Texas! Check out their website here.


Q: Is Elijah Robinson headed to Nebraska? (Slixey)

A: No.

Q: To me, one of the costliest injuries this year was to #30. Assuming he is OK next year what will be his classification? Redshirt sophomore? (Agrabfan)

A: Transfer. I know that wasn't what the situation was when you asked the question, but that's how it is.

Q: Has Trainor medically retired?

A: So far as we've been told, which isn't at all. But he wasn't at practice, wasn't on the roster and wasn't at the games.

Any other players we know are not coming back that haven't officially entered the portal? (Mozilla)

A: Just ones that we've anticipated would leave, or be asked to. And that hasn't happened yet.

Q: 1. First prep class to be significantly impacted by sips and land thieves joining SEC?

A: This one.

2. After they join, our Top 5 rivalry games?

A: Texas, LSU, Alabama, Arkansas, and clearly South Carolina.

3. Will you root for Purple Baylor to get in? Win?

A: Don't care and don't care.

4. You're pretty much on record with our new OC bringing in some version of the spread. Are the coaches we're looking at tempo guys?

A: Well, don't confuse spread with tempo. A&M runs a variation of spread. They did with Sumlin. Alabama runs spread. Ole Miss does. That's a pretty general term. And as for tempo, they can vary it. Baylor was very up-tempo last year, and this year they were ground and pouond.

5. Best guess, still a prep class size of 15-20? (JustAvgIllini)

A: If they can pull it. This thing has been such a mess that I don't know what to think.

Q: 1. So far, who is in the portal that is on your Hot Board per se that we need to talk to?

A: I only have suggestions, and I'll mention them in Tidbits. Hint hint for you non-subscribers.

2. OC announcement by end of next week in your opinion?

A: No comment.

3. Does the OL coach come with the OC. Would he be on the OC's current staff?

A: No comment.

4. Do you see any changes to the defensive staff?

A: No.

5. Update on any QB targets in the coming class? (Tsip Despiser)

A: Not going to have one until we know who the OC is.

Q: If CW is the QB going forward, how long before King declares for the portal? (KatyAg)

A: No guarantee that he does. Personally, I would, but I'm not him.

Q: Are the 4 players that were suspended coming back? They have not declared for the portal. All are talented and may be able to have a Von Miller turnaround.. (GCJC)

A: I think that is extremely wishful thinking. While I'm more optimistic that some will return now than I was a week ago, I still think it's more likely than anything that all are gone than all come back. I think that possibility, that they all come back, is nearly non-existent. PJ Williams' legal situation makes it very hard for him to return, and I'm still getting mixed signals on whether the other three are complying with the requirements to return and if they even want to.

Q: 1. Of this year’s Redshirts, which have the highest upside (in your opinion) and will be (may be) needed in the rotation next season?

A: There aren't very many, but I'll go with Gabe Dindy. I think he can still be an absolute beast.

2. Any upcoming offseason surgeries for any injured Ags?

A: Oh, you can count on that. Happens every year. Do I know who specifically? Not right now. Bryce Foster and Deuce Harmon have already had theirs, as have Jordan Moko and Aki Ogunbiyi.

3. How is your shoulder doing (honestly)? (Boxsterboy72)

A: Better. Much, much better.

Q: Does Anthony Hill recommit? (Big Smoothie)

A: My gut reaction is no, but he's supposedly still got a lot of interest.

Q: Does every entry/exit to the portal open up a spot on the roster?

A: As the way things are now, yes.

The way I see it, we will improve and add depth by losing players to the portal that weren’t playing or contributing and by adding experienced/better players at positions of need from the portal. Agree? (Wundy)

A: That's the idea. We'll see how it pans out.

Q: Stylistically- what do anticipate with a new OC? What type of OC is Jimbo going to go after? (BC93)

A: I am hoping for a guy who can develop quarterbacks and offenses that score points. Lots of points. Outside of that, you've got several differing styles amongst the rumored candidates, so it's hard to guess.

Q: Who is the new OC?

Can you tell us who the new OC will be?

Do you know who the new OC is?

If you could pick one coach in the U.S. to be our new OC, who would it be?

Does Jimbo know who the new OC is?

Did you tell Jimbo who the new OC is?

When you were thinking of a list for potential OC candidates, was the one Jimbo chose on that list? (Reckless75)

A: A new Mailbag record of SEVEN no comments in one response!

Q: When AY members who have not been to the practices say over and over and over that a player "should have been starting all season, that everyone could see that", but it is not a player that you would have started and the coaches did not start, does that:

Piss you off?

A: On occasion.

Confirm your suspicions that many of the members are not astute students of the game?

A: Also on occasion. More likely that they don't understand the concept of development and players don't stay the same from camp through the season.

Cause doubt to creep into you mind that you and all of the coaches are not astute students of the game?

A: Me, second-guess myself? Never.

Right? Is that right?

Make you wonder if they are partially right, that the player possibly should have played earlier in the season, but not be the starter from day one, as the AY members are insisting he should have?

A: Oh yeah.

Make you want to say "****it, give me a damn beer, I'm outta here"?

A: All the bleeping time.

Make you just shake your head and think to yourself, "someday, someway, maybe they will understand"? (Also Reckless75)

A: That may be a more polite way of putting it, but something close to that happens quite a bit.

Q: So, sounds like ER to Nebraska is dead. Good news. IF Durkin were to exit, do you think ER would get the gig or at least a strong look? (Tsmith3001)

A: I think he would, but I also think that's not something we'll see this year.

Q: It seems to be a done deal that we will add a new OC. Given that:

1. How much of the decision on the candidates will be Jimbo and how much will be from Bjork, or others?

A: I think it'll be a joint decision. Jimbo may get his choice, but it won't be without Bjork's approval.

2. Does it appear that Jimbo will give up all control of the offense, or do you expect things to still run through him? (I believe I know the answer, but just verifying)

A: He will almost certainly give up control of the offense.

3. If Jimbo does give up the offense, do you think he will get more involved with the overall defensive schemes, or will that still be Durkin (or someone else if he leaves)?

A: No. Absolutely not.

4. We all expect the offense to be more dynamic and high scoring. If this is the case, do you think that also affects Durkin's scheme and that he will attack more since he won't have to worry as much about protecting a small lead, or keep us in the game? Seems like he can get back to an aggressive defense which should lead to more pressure on the QB, and a better run defense. (Maddog83)

A: It could. Hopefully they can either find or develop a couple of natural pass rushers over the next several months. I'm cautiously optimistic after watching Enai White and Malick Sylla the past couple of games.

Q: Will some staff changes wait until after signing day? (12thFan)

A: It's possible. My gut feeling is they won't wait, but you can never be sure with this stuff.

Q: I'll keep this short. There have been 2,3, maybe 4 generally accepted candidates for the OC job. Do you see an OC coming out of left field that maybe we haven't been considering? (barseven7)

A: If I did that, then they wouldn't be coming out of left field! Now, to be honest, the outliers I've heard have been Dan Mullen and Brian Hartline. Mullen still seems like a real long shot and Hartline's not leaving Ohio State. So that leaves us with the generally accepted candidates again.

Q: If they go to a 12 team playoff, you will end up with 3 teams (12-6-3) Will one of the teams get a bye? It looks like to me you have to go to an 8 team or 16 team playoff to keep it at an even number. (Fbfan222)

A: There's going to be 12 and there will be byes.

Q: What coaching changes do you see on the defensive side of the ball this offseason?

A: Barring retirements or someone getting a pay raise and promotion, none.

Will Jimbo ever hire an actual special teams coach? (WhartonBones)

A: Depends on how the staff numbers shake out. He tried to keep Jeff Banks when he first arrived and it didn't work out. And, until this year, special teams were actually quite good.

Q: I've heard rumors Chris Marshall and Denver Harris would like to make amends and return to the team. Any truth to these rumors? Any idea on Lucas? He seemed to be very talented. I assume PJ is gone. (ThePassAg)

A: Like I said up top, I've gotten mixed signals on them. Both Marshall and Harris have made comments on social media like they're staying, but they'd have to do a lot to mend things with the coaches and their teammates. Lucas has been radio silent. Williams seemed like the most likely to return, then he got arrested and that went right out the window.

Q: Of the names already on your portal tracker, who do you think most likely to stay around.

A: None.

Aggie players you care to speculate will announce for the portal.

A: I'm not going to go there.

Any players of note that A&M could be interested in recruiting from the portal.

A: We'll take a look at some possibilities tomorrow.

What positions are a priority? (Have Gun Will Travel)

A: I think the obvious ones are wideout, offensive line, linebacker and corner. At least, to me.

Q: Ok one last question, however I may be past the deadline. I've listened to several interviews with coaches that have used the portal extensively over the past couple of years. One thing that was consistent was that they had staff monitoring and evaluating players either in the portal or likely to enter the portal well before the portal opens. Since this staff has historically not been active in the portal, do you get a sense, especially with the changes to the portal, that we now have staff and analysts actively doing the same thing? (Barseven7)

A: Oh, for sure.

Q: If teams aren't allowed to contact portal entries, how is it that some have already committed to other schools? (Ag_2000)

A: Players who have graduated can go in at any time. Non-grads can only go in after the 5th. I didn't realize that until this week.

Q: Where do we stand with 4 star WR Debron Gatling? (TAMU_Fan)

A: I think they're actually in pretty darned good shape with him. I'm going to reach out to him tonight or the next couple of days and see. But I heard he really enjoyed his visit.

Q: Please help me understand why there is a rule of no sleeves... I really do not understand this. (SouthernAg)

A: I'm not sure I do either, except that they're easier to grab and could cause a fumble or get a player pulled down.

Q: Seemed like a sure thing after the Auburn game that Moose would be transferring. But he hasn't announced anything so not so sure. Do you think he transfers? (Phastman)

A: Honestly, I have never gotten the vibe that he wanted to transfer. And I don't think he will.

Q: Are you expecting to see any non-TE OLs heading to the portal?

A: No. They would not exactly be selling high.

Does the possibility of a new OL coach being hired make a difference?

A: Yes.

What happens if we start getting experienced OLs from the portal? (Pebbycree)

A: Competition.

Q: Do you expect King or Johnson to hit the portal? And if one does what are we going to use for depth? (h273)

A: Like I said up top, I would if I were King. But I have heard nothing about either guy deciding to make a move. If one did, you've got Eli Stowers. If both leave, you'd better start looking around for another arm pronto.

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