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AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tipton Auto Group

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Q: Is it feasible or are you hearing anyone backing off the timeline to wait for someone who can't meet it? (Ag98)

A: The objective remains the objective. I have heard nothing to indicate a change. Could they end up changing it? Sure, but they haven’t yet.

Q: In your opinion, is the artificial deadline Bjork set a good thing or a bad thing?

A: It’s both. On the plus side, you get someone in before the transfer portal opens and they’d have three weeks to deal with recruiting. On the minus side, you may miss out on some capable candidates because their schedule doesn’t mesh with yours.

Anyone besides ERob you see the next guy keeping?


Turkey or Ham or both?

Both, but if I had to pick one, it’s ham.

Best side dish IYHO?

Green bean casserole. All day.

Who's your worst in-law? Any cousin Eddie's ? (Tsip Despiser)

It’s the folks on my side who tend to be the bigger problems, especially my cousins. But no cousin Eddie’s.

Q: Administrators floating names out to the masses to see how they would land - is that a real thing or something message boards make up? (Ag98)

A: That’s a real thing, but not in every instance. I don’t think it’s the case here.

Q: Are there coach target tidbits you can’t tell us now in order to not spoil a potential deal?

A: I don’t think so, no.

Is there a consensus target of the money, and are we further along than most probably realize? (OffshoreAg)

A: I do think they have a top target, but it’s not a done deal.

Q: Asking for your opinion on what would be different now if Jimbo would have 'reassigned' (not fired) Addazio about six weeks ago and let Petrino directly coach the OL. Could the OL flaws have been corrected at least partially in that period of time? Could Bama, Tenn, Ole Miss outcomes have been different? Substantial enough to have saved Jimbo's job? Seems like we've been reading about several instances of in-season coaching changes (including Jimbo) and maybe that change would have at least given the team a shot of adrenaline to finish out the season. (Pebbycree)

A: Petrino isn’t an offensive line coach, so I don’t think it would have the effect you’d hope for. And if you went to the assistant, that’s his son. So it wouldn’t have changed much at all. What should have happened is Addazio gets the gate after last year and you go get someone else who can connect with your players in a positive way. Then those games could have been different. But Jimbo was stubborn and didn’t want to make a change, which is part of the reason he’s unemployed.

Q: In general, not specific names or positions.

How do we rebuild this season?

- Recruiting

- Loss of key personnel

- Portal

I could see a significant number leaving, but the new coach bringing in as good or better talent through the portal.

A: I think that A&M will use the portal a lot more this year than ever before, regardless of who the new coach is. The portal can provide more immediate reinforcements of capable players. I’m really curious to see how many Aggies end up in the portal. It seems like Evan Stewart will, but outside of Raymond Cottrell, nobody else has shown an interest publicly yet.

On a basketball note, do you think we can make it to UofH undefeated?

A: After today, no. But the fact that they rallied the way they did against a very capable team while missing two of your top three plays impressed me immensely.

If our guards shooting improves?

It seems like that’s happening, which would be a huge boost. Wade Taylor seems like himself again.

Last, any idea on Marble? Chances that he fulfill University requirements and is back. (Richard23)

A: I’m hoping that he can return when the new semester begins, so that would be around the first of the year.

Q: What event "broke the camels back " and got Jimbo fired?

A: Losing to Ole Miss, and the way that it happened.

At a minimum what could have saved him for another year?

A: Winning that game and being willing to make some changes to his coaching staff AND being more active in the portal.

In your opinion which hire would minimize portal loses and recruiting class hits? (Have Gun Will Travel)

A: I really don’t think it’s possible to say. I know folks on our board have opinions over who will and who won’t minimize them, but players could think very differently.

Texas A&M's roster may undergo an overhaul, but Conner Weigman will likely be back.
Texas A&M's roster may undergo an overhaul, but Conner Weigman will likely be back.

Q: I know you cannot provide names, but how many players do you project will hit the portal? (GCJC)

A: I really don’t know. The new coach could limit them, or he may encourage some to go. It’s hard to say at this point.

Q: (1) Do you have a sense for the players’ priorities in a coaching search and how strongly they align with those making the hiring decision? It seems like the strength of that alignment will determine how much of the current team and committed players we’ll have for rebuilding and maybe the timeline.

A: I think they’re looking for a guy who can lead, can make tough decisions and do what’s right for the team instead of selected individuals.

(2) If we get a head coach that has been national renowned and revered for more than a couple of years, are we just trying to capture yesterday’s dreams. Should we be focused exclusively on rising talent? Thank you for spending your holiday answering our questions. (Kneuse)

A: I don’t know if any of the candidates left qualify as “revered”. They’re still in the earlier stages of their career, and can qualify as “rising talent”.

Q: Breast or leg? (Hogtide)

A: Always a breast man. We are talking turkey, right?

Q: What’s Evan Stewart’s big gripe? Best guess on where he plays next year. (H273)

A: I think we can all guess: he wants more catches, more attention and more NIL. Being healthy enough to play but deciding not to is a good way to make your teammates your ex-teammates, and that seems to be exactly what he wants. As for where he plays next year, I frankly don’t know and don’t care.

Q: 1) Mark, in your honest and intelligent opinion, what is your preference of the potential top (3) candidates?

Between all of the chatter and conversations on the AggieYell boards, no one is in alignment. My preference (not that any of the BMAs or Aggie Admin care about my opinion) is 1) Ryan Day, 2) Kalen DeBoer, and 3) Jedd Fisch.

A: I really don’t have a preference. I like all three for different reasons.

2) Also, in your honest and intelligent opinion how would you rank/compare the top 3 on a 1-3 scale (1 being worst and 3 being best; Just put the last names with a number next to it), who do you think is and/or has best...

2a) Scheme? (DeBoer/Fisch/Day)

2b) Recruiter? (Day/DeBoer/Fisch)

2c) Player development? (Fisch/Day/DeBoer)

2d) Gameday coach and decision maker? (They’re about equal)

2e) Ability to hire and retain great coach staff? (Day/DeBoer/Fisch)

2f) Program builder? (Fisch/DeBoer/Day. Keep in mind, Day had a lot of toys to play with when he got there. And he’s done an excellent job of keeping talent at a high level.)

Q: Supposing that Bjork is down to DeBoer, Day, and Fisch, would you expect any or all of these candidates would bring their OC and/or DC? Or are one of those roles more likely to be named the new coach at their existing school?

A: I absolutely expect them to bring their guys, but if Day gets the job, Ohio State may just promote Brian Hartline to replace him. I know a lot of people want to do that anyway.

Separate topic. With the horrible news about Edgerrin Cooper's girlfriend, do you expect him to play or may he pass up this game? ( I wouldn't blame him if he did) (Maddog83)

A: I think he’s going to play, but my heart goes out to him. That’s just so incredibly unfair, to lose someone you love at such a young age.

Q: Is the rumor about Kliff Kingbury wanting the OC position true? (Ag20)

A: There were inquiries made, so I guess that qualifies as a yes. But that may have been just taking the temperature and not a real serious, “I gotta have this job” kind of inquiry.

Q: your best guess at the QB room next season? (BIMSAg02)

A: It’s as much up to the new coach as the players, but I can see it being Weigman, Johnson, Henderson, Reed, Maddox and O’Neill, just as planned.

Q: What is the current status of Bobby Taylor? Has Bobby played this year?

A: He is hurt and he has not played this year.

What is the current status of Ethan Moczulski? (Raraeo)

A: He’s the backup placekicker.

Q: It's hard for me to believe that we won't wait for DeBoer if the search committee thinks he is the clear #1 choice, and I think he is. We can always "leak" the HC choice to players and recruits "unintentionally." Do you think that the committee has the top choice already and is just trying to work out all the logistics? (Kyling)

A: Yes. But I don’t know who it is, because they’ve done a good job keeping that quiet. But I do think there’s a real good chance you’re going to be disappointed.

Q: What was Jimbo’s final buyout number? Supposedly the contract stated 20% within 30 days and the balance over the remainder of the contract. Just like the lottery, there is an annuity value, and a cash or present value if you want it all up front. I heard that we (Bjork and whoever) and Jimbo’s people might have negotiated something less than $76M and closer to $50M. Is there any truth to that? (katyAg)

A: I don’t know told you that, but it makes absolutely no sense. There’s no reason for him to negotiate it down. It’s just a matter of what denomination he wants the money in.

Q: Is keeping Addazio and the resulting continued poor OL play the biggest contributing factor on why Jimbo is no longer the HC for A&M. (Stav)

A: Jimbo being obstinate is the biggest factor why he is no longer the head coach. But the atrocious play of the offensive line was one of the most obvious, and glaring, problems the program had.

Q: As expected, we now start hearing a few of the negative inside stories about Jimbo. I already knew from other sources how arrogant and entitled he was. And yet he recruited extremely well. Was he just a hell of a salesman? Or do you feel his staff (ERob & TP) were the closers?

A: He has surrounded himself with very good recruiters, with Robinson and Terry being the best. But when Jimbo himself wanted someone, he went and got them. His personal level of recruiting success was astronomical. He’s got the knack.

Also, do you feel like I do that the sleeves and maroon pants were a middle finger to Jimbo? (Tsmith3001)

A: No, I think it was just something different to get the players hyped up after a tough week against a non-competitive opponent.

Q: How are we looking with Cam Coleman? (AgNok)

A: Auburn is doing everything they can to flip him, which is one big reason you want a guy in ASAP so they can work on that relationship and assure him he has a big role in the new offense.

Q: What are we doing to attract speed at the CB position?

A: They don’t have a coach.

Quality depth at the RB position?

They don’t have a coach.

Injury update(s) before the LSU game? (CypressAggie)

Stewart’s not playing. I really doubt Le’Veon Moss, Max Johnson or Josh DeBerry go. I’m concerned about Jacoby Mathews. Outside of that, they should be ok.

Q: Forgetting about coaches, coaching, scheme, etc….

How would you rate our team speed at WR this season? (Tickethead)

A: Very good. Have we seen it get used to its potential? Heck no.

Q: Man…. I’m tired. Every single year I look at the glass half full. I really need a reason not to kick back my season tickets and stop burning money. Help please…. (SouthernAg)

A: Ok, let’s look at it like this: the new coach should inherit a roster with a lot of talent. There will be a new offensive line coach. The new coach should use the portal a lot more, which I find to be pretty exciting. The schedule for next year sets up favorably. And you’re almost guaranteed not to hear the word “execute” used as much in 2024.

Q: 1. Is there any hope for the Aggie offense to keep pace with LSU's offense given how badly the OL continues to play?

A: Yes, because LSU’s defense absolutely sucks.

2. Any rumors for the bowl game?

A: I’m thinking the Texas Bowl or the Music City Bowl. When A&M fires a coach or coordinator, they end up in the Texas Bowl. It’s like a tradition. (And yes, I know that they played in the Belk Bowl in 2017. Just let me have my moment.)

3. Can you rank how fast each of the three main coach candidates would improve A&M's won-loss record, one to two seasons, or more?

A: I think they’re finalists because they believe all three can do it fast.

4. How are you doing? You must be weary with all that's gone on this season. (Chuck70)

A: I’m extremely tired. But I’m also kind of excited to see how all this plays out over the next week or so.

Q: Are the current coordinator’s auditioning this game?

A: No.

Would either stay in a lesser position?


Durkin seems to be a very good position coach. I would say he is better coaching LBs than as a DC.

Would Durkin stay as LB coach? (Spar2cus)

No. As much as I would like him to, no way.

Q: Who invented the 3 man front? (Spencer2)

A: Satan.

Q: After he was fired, do you know if Fisher has talked to the team? (FbFan222)

A: He has talked to individual players, but not the whole team.
