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AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850

It's time for this week's AggieYell Mailbag, sponsored by Tres Hermanos 1850, a hunting ranch with native and exotic game, near Gatesville, Texas! Check out their website here.

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Q: 1. How quickly do you expect to see 'activity' (staff changes, portal announcements-incoming and outgoing, high school recruit activity, etc.) after the LSU game?

A: I'm expecting it to be pretty quick, because you want them in place for the final push before early signing.

2. Do you have any insight as to how the season ending state-of-the-program meeting between Bjork and Jimbo will go? Not sure if it's a high level informal 'chat' or if the AD brings in actual data showing the good, the bad, and the ugly. (pebbycree)

A: No.

Q: Does the internal competence exist, in your opinion, to turn this football program around 180 degrees in the very short term? (Smasher200)

A: It's been done before, so yes.

Q: This has to be one of quietest recruiting season for A&M that I can remember. Sure, there has been some updating, but at a level far below what is was since the Fran days. I imagined that the recruits would be kept up to date on upcoming changes, after the LB decommitment, I don't know any more. What are the recruits saying? Are they getting any positive news of big changes coming? (aggdoc)

A: They're in a wait and see situation, just like they are. The players on offense are anticipating changes, but these aren't things they're going to share with recruits -- at least in terms of specifics.

Q: This may be a week early but I think we have a decent chance to beat LSU. Do you? (h273)

A: Only if they figure out how to stop the run real fast.

Q: Is Mohammed in or out ?

A: In.

Will Hill return?

A: Possibly.

What about Owens ? (cordero)

A: He never left, so I think that may beat your proposition. But nothing's going to happen for a while, until people find out what's going to happen with the offense.

Q: What is the nature of Max Wright’s injury. Is he playing or done for the year? (Dad_in_TX)

A: Considering he had a head injury, I would be surprised if he came back. But there's been no real update, so it's hard to say.

Q: Is the AD feeling heat due to the season? He was the one that signed Jimbo to the contract extension that got us where we are today regarding Jimbo's future. (GCJC)

A: You mean the contract everyone wanted him to extend and had no trouble raising money for? That contract?

Q: FSU fans talked about Jimbos inability to take criticism. How do you feel he has responded to the criticism? (tschaar)

A: Well, I'll put it like this. Brent Zwerneman, Olin Buchanan and I, to name a few, have been less than flattering about the offense and the team in general this year. We've put it in his lap. And he's answered our questions every time without hostility. He hasn't gone off on his riffs like he does when he's in a good mood, but he hasn't ducked anyone.

Q: LSU friend of mine texted me this info from their side "Recruiting Update - LSU has the last in-home visit for all of the Texas A&M freshman (current freshman)" Wouldn't that be tampering? How does the NCAA even deal with this which I know they aren't at all? (AgFCAcoach98)

A: I think your friend is having some fun with you.

Q: 1. Any names you're hearing on an OL coach?

A: Same as the OC, I'm not saying anything right now even if I know.

2. Any update on TJ Shanahan?

A: His season's over but he's solid.

3. With TJ - How do you think Jimbo is handling this personally? Is he more involved than he typically would be?

A: I think he's involved with everyone, but with the biggest names, even more so.

3a. Latest on Hill.

A: A&M's still got a shot. The fact that he didn't commit to Texas right off the bat, I think, shocked them (arrogance). So if he wants to take it to February, if I'm A&M I say "feel free".

4. Would you with Daphne? (tsip despiser)

A: For those of you who don't get it, this week I started the AY question thread with "Like Frasier Crane, I'm listening." So Daphne is Jane Leeves, the British lady who was involved with Niles on Frasier.

And yes, I would absolutely take my shot. She's sneaky hot.

Q: Do you think if Jimbo hires a real OC this offseason, that Jimbo will give him full control of the offense? I do not see this working well unless Jimbo gives the OC full control of the offense and is not forced to make Jimbo's antiquated offense work. (davidimy)

A: My answer is the same as it's been for the past six weeks: Yes.

Q: I may need some Aggie emotional therapy when this season is all said and done, what positive advise can you offer AY and Aggie fans in general, not to emotionally over react and move on from this season? (big smoothie)

A: I'd take a look at the situation our AY Holiday Charity recipient, a darned good guy, is in. That's the real world, and it's frequently brutal, harsh and uncaring.

To be more positive, I'd look at it this way. Got a little kid at home? Hug them. Got an older kid? Call them and tell them you love them. Got a deer stand? Go get in it. Put a lot of energy into finding a real creative Christmas gift, if that's your thing. If you're an Astros fan, watch a lot of highlights. It'll make you feel better.

Being a Redskins fan, I have 30-plus years of experience at this.

Q: Is Jimbo still running the same offense we ran in 20 when we went 8-1 in the SEC? What has changed to make it un-workable now?

A: You don't have Kellen Mond, Isaiah Spiller and a really good offensive line, for starters. But I also think that SEC teams are so talented, and their coaches so good, that they figured it out.

Q: What are your thoughts of a Saban type change when Kiffen and Sark came in, where they kept the same offense, but tweaked it to modernize it? I love that Saban makes OCs use the same terminology so the team doesn't have to learn as much. They may learn new plays, but they use the same language. How would you rate something like this happening?

A: Whoa, hold on. They totally revamped that offense. It was nothing like it was before they got there. The terminology may have been similar, but that was it. The scheme was totally different.

Q: I haven't heard anybody discussing the S&C coach. Where does blame fall on him for the outrageous number of injuries? It can't be purely bad luck. Any changes being made there? (Boo yah)

A: It can't? I don't know that for sure. I'd be more concerned about the fact that they're wearing down late in games, even when they haven't played that many plays.

Q: Do you know enough about the situation for the past few years at LSU and how Brian Kelly comes in and has fairly good success in year one? I honestly expected Kelly/LSU to stumble for a few years. Wondering how his situation differs from Jimbo's, who's had five real good recruiting classes and is trending in the wrong direction. (Pebbycree)

A: A few things on this. First, their offensive line stinks in pass protection. But Jayden Daniels has been way better than I expected, and their running game is much improved. They always had tremendous athletes on defense, they just weren't being utilized well. Add in some very well-placed veterans from the transfer portal and he's hit lightning in a bottle.

Q: Are all 4 of the players that were suspended gone at the end of the year? Two of them were repeat offenders, and you indicated the other two had been good kids but came under the influence of the other two. (GCJC)

A: Two of them are almost certainly goners. The other two I'd like to think come back, but Jimbo shut the door hard on them returning this week. That makes me think their season, at the least, is over.

Q: Is Jimbo willing and capable of using the portal effectively? (Maroon1)

A: Yes.

Q: What do you see as the realistic path forward for this program over the next 2 years? We obviously cannot continue on this path. (BC93)

A: They could win a national championship or Jimbo could be fired. It really could go to extremes of that level.

Q: What the heck kind of injury does Jake have? He hurt himself warming up, that happens to old men, not kids. I was really happy when we signed Blake Smith but he seems a little over his head out there. Any chance we see Donovan Green for LSU. (h273)

A: Jake's healthy again; he played against Auburn. And I hope Dono is back for LSU. He makes a difference.

Q: 1. How's the shoulder doing? If it's a rotator cuff tear like I had, hopefully your issue will heal faster than mine did.

A: It is doing horribly. I'm having trouble tying this right now. It was feeling better yesterday, then something happened in the evening and it got a whole lot worse.

2. The football program is all over the map. How bad of a house cleaning do you anticipate when the LSU game is mercifully over (position coaches, recruiting staff, the AD)?

A: I think there will be some position coaches gone, and the recruiting staff has to be on thin ice. But Bjork? Nah.

3. I find it difficult to understand benching Moose over wearing a long sleeve shirt under his jersey. It seems to me there must be "other" issues involved, and this was the official excuse for not playing him in a game that could've been won, possibly, had he played. Your thoughts?

A: Like I said Tuesday, if the rule is no sleeves, that's a stupid rule. But if the rule is in place and you intentionally broke it, that's even dumber.

4. There was an interesting article in the Chronicle by Brent Z. that mentioned what Brian Kelly did at Notre Dame after his 4-8 season suggesting the A&M Coach should consider doing. What's your opinion? (Chuck70)

A: It's not just Kelly at Notre Dame, but Harbaugh at Michigan and Orgeron at LSU (before he decided he was a genius). Changes can be made and made effectively.

Q: 1. Do you think the teams struggles this year have led to a reduced focus on recruiting by the coaches?

A: Possibly.

2. I believe you previously remarked that we lost several staff members and that has impacted recruiting. Other than Elko, who did we lose that would have a negative impact?

A: I'm not talking about coaches. I'm talking about front office people whose names you've never heard before. They play a huge rule in the success or failure of a recruiting class.

3. It has been reported that several of our recruits have said the staff has not been staying in touch with them after they committed to us. Is there much truth to that, or is that simply negative recruiting?

A: If they said it, there's no reason not to believe it.

4. How many additional recruits do you believe we may be in danger of losing by signing day?

A: I'm not going to get into the gloom and doom crap. I mean, they could lose all of them. They could lose none of them. Right now, DJ Hicks is the only one I'm worried about.

5. Is Achane expected to play this week, or will they hold him out for lsu? (maddog83)

A: I wouldn't play him this week if he's not 100%.

Q: We seem to have at least as good or better talent than LSU, and they have a new coach and staff and in their first year have success. It is frustrating to see programs like TCU and LSU outperform our Aggies. What are they doing that we should have done or could do to achieve rapid success? Thanks (ATMsupporter)

A: See above, for the most part. But if you want the real simple answer, they need to figure out WTF are the biggest issues and address them in the portal.

Q: 1.Any big moves possible or probable with players for the Baltimore Orioles this off season?

A: JIm Bowden says the Orioles are in all the big name pitchers. I have a very hard time believing that. I do think they're in the market for at least one starter and a power bat, which could play about anywhere besides catcher (Adley) and wherever Gunnar Henderson plays.

2. Your gut feel signings for our Ags on National D-1 Football Letter of Intent Early Signing Period in December?

A: Everyone who's committed right now.

3. Your guess on our Ags signing QB, RB, WR this recruiting cycle? (BoxsterBoy72)

A: I have no guess on those because it's impossible to say. We have to see what happens with the coaching situation first.

Q: Mark, I know we have good football players on our O line and even more so on our D line. I also know that it is a team game and each unit depends on the other units. And i think we all agree that the coaching has been suspect at best. My question is that even with all of these negative factors, have our linemen underperformed? (agrabfan)

A: Two answers on that: On offense, no question. On defense, no. The O-line is a massive disappointment, and you can't avoid that reality. And it's not just the whole group, but individuals. On the defensive line, Fadil Diggs was having a great season before he got hurt. McKinnley Jackson has wrecked shop since he returned. Walter Nolen has been very good. But the freshmen defensive ends are giving up four year and 40 pounds (at least) and are getting, predictably, whipped.

Q: Mark - hard to do, but how optimistic are you about seeing Anthony Lucas or Patrick Williams back in A&M gear for the '23 season? (Ringdunker93)

A: Right now, I'd say it's a coin flip. Maybe I'm pessimistic.

Q: 1. How much of a challenge will be it be for a new offensive line coach to work with this group's strengths and weaknesses?

A: I don't think it'll be that hard at all. You can take that response however you like.

2. No leverage but does Bjork have enough AD cred to get Jimbo to listen to anything? (JustAvgIllini)

A: It's not just AD cred, it's backing from the guys with the checkbooks -- which he has.
